Friday, April 12, 2013

The fastest electric car is presented

    The fastest car with electric draft is announced. The roadster of Detroit Electric SP:01 is accelerated to 100 km/h in only 3,7 seconds. Tesla prepares the answer for this electric car, but will present it approximately in five years.

    The American Detroit Electric brand under which electric cars were issued still from 1907 to 1939, was revived in the 2008th and now the company showed the first car in the contemporary history. To them it is predictable again there was a model without an internal combustion engine which the producer calls the fastest serial electric car.
    The roadster of Detroit Electric SP:01 disperses to 100 km/h in only 3,7 seconds, the maximum speed is limited 249 km/h. Ввесит compartment of 1,07 tons. At 225 Nanometers of a torque the motor develops capacity in 203 h.p. It works for lithium - the polymeric storage batteries with a capacity of 37 kWh which charge allows to pass 305 km. Full charging from a household network takes 10,7 hours, and when using the firm device of 360 Powerback on this process about 4,3 hours leave.
SP:01 with a carbonic body is constructed on the aluminum chassis and has external similarities to Lotus Exige sport car though Detroit Electric doesn't confirm use of this platform. But it is known that the competitor of Tesla Roadster took as a basis the Lotus Elise model. Thus the first car of the Californian firm Tesla Motors spends for dispersal to "one hundred" also less than four seconds. For comparison electric трицикл Epic EV TORQ Roadster with 0 to 100 km/h disperses in 4 seconds, Tesla Model S sedan - in 5,4 seconds.
     The new sports Detroit Electric car is equipped with a 4-step transmission, 5-stupenchety transmission will be optionally available also. In a basic complete set stabilization and recovery systems (return to a running cycle) kinetic energy are provided during the braking, ABS, brakes of Brembo and multimedia SAMI system with possibility of integration of the smartphone. It is possible to bring process of charging of automobile accumulators to the screen of the mobile device.

Under the historical Detroit Electrics brand the eletkrorodster dispersing to 100 km \on h for 3,7 sec. is let out.

     The cost of SP:01 will begin from $135 thousand. This sum includes a three-year guarantee on the car (or 48 thousand km. ) and five-year-old — on the battery (or 80 thousand km. ) . Sales of a roadster start at the end of August, 2013 of Detroit Electric plans to let out 999 copies of this car which as the producer claims, will begin the whole family of electric cars under Detroit Electric brand. By the end of 2014 the company expects to let out two more sports models with electric units.
    The initial price of Tesla Roadster which stopped letting out in 2012, made $109 thousand. The stock of a course of the Californian car is more, than at competitors from Detroit and almost reaches 400 km. Full charging of accumulators takes 3,5 hours. Now Tesla prepares the second generation of flagman roadsters. Technical parameters of a novelty aren't called, but developers promise to create the electric car not worse than the predecessor. It is supposed that updated Tesla Roadster will enter the market only in five years.

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