Information is so important that in historical development of society allocate so-called information revolutions at which approach the mankind rose by new level, found new properties. So, for example, the first information revolution was marked by emergence of the writing, the second – publishing, the third gave to mankind electricity, and the fourth – the computer. After each such innovation information exchanges in society, anyway, changed.
Emergence of computer facilities allowed to process information much more effectively and quicker. Emergence of the global Internet improbably accelerated information exchange.
Special technical means on information processing started appearing, to be developed methods and technologies on the organization of knowledge and even to their emergence.
Telecommunications and means of communication began to play a special role. Computer networks became usual way of distribution of information.
All above-mentioned can't but affect human society. Knowledge became the value requirement in which all the time grows. Therefore there are new ways of their receiving.
Today's society is information society in which it is possible to allocate a number of features, most important from which is use of information honor in all spheres of life. As it should be noted constant increase in automation of production.
It is considered that information society is a change not only in production, but also in outlook of people. The brainwork role increases, people start consuming more than information, than material resources. Ability to creativity becomes important property of the person. Development of information society will lead to that the majority of the population will be occupied with receiving, storage and information processing. Production of goods will be assigned to cars.
In information society there is a number of dangers. For example, the information stress, the caused information avalanche. Not each person is capable to be guided competently in abundance of information, to cut information garbage and to reveal knowledge as the highest form of information. As the result on consciousness of the person will increase influence of mass media. With different development of electronic devices there is a threat of inviolability of private life.
Information society contributes to emergence of a uniform civilization therefore each person has to have possibility of access to information resources.
Information society is characterized by the following main signs:
- The majority working in information society are occupied in the information sphere, i.e. in the sphere of production of information and information services.
- Technical, technological and legal possibilities of access are provided to any member of society practically in any point of the territory to information necessary to it.
- Information becomes the most important strategic resource of society and takes a key place in economy, education and culture.
If previous stages of development of humanity lasted everyone about three centuries, scientists predict that information stage will last much less. Term of its existence will be limited probably to one hundred years. It means that the majority of regions of the world will enter into the developed information society in the XXI century and then transition to post-information society will begin.
Thus, information society is society, structures, the technical base and which human potential are adapted for optimum transformation of knowledge into information resource and processing of the last for the purpose of transfer of its passive forms (the book, article, etc.) in active (models, algorithms, programs, projects). But special value for activization of information potential of society has creation of modern knowledge bases. It is reached at the expense of high-quality transformation of the traditional databases (D) which have been given rise by early generations of the COMPUTER in the knowledge base (KB).
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