Scientists from University of the State of Pennsylvania found a new method of production of more effective multipurpose nanoelectronics. The new chip can become rather important novelty which will combine in itself at the same time non-volatile storage of information and its processing.
For the first time scientists managed to develop a special material from which it is possible to make not silicon electronic devices working with back electron.
The majority of modern electronic chips are integrated schemes which serve as construction blocks for semiconductor electronic devices, such as solar batteries, personal computers and mobile phones. All these devices use silicon transistors for processing of logical conditions: either zero, or unit. This scheme simply works: if current flows via the transistor freely, the system means treats a condition as "1" and if the way to current is blocked – as "0". In the form of this binary code information is stored and processed.
In recent years in laboratories worldwide researchers experiment various, not silicon materials which can use more difficult code, than consisting only and "1" and "0". Such devices will work with much bigger speed and thus to consume smaller energy, than modern silicon analogs.
New type of not silicon electronics. The schematic image of tunnel transition in two configurations of polarization
Scientists from University of the State of Pennsylvania developed and tested a new way of creation of the devices combining "traditional" and spin electronics. The new multipurpose device has the so-called segnetomagnitny interface: the segnetoelektrichesky layer less than 1 thick which works as transition from metal to an insulator and reacts to change of polarization of an insulator.
Thanks to the segnetomagnitny interface the effect of tunnel resistance which raises a difference between binary conditions to 10000% is observed. It sharply increases reliability and information processing speed. Besides, "pronounced" "1" and "0" do the new device potentially capable to process values "1", "2", "3", "4".
In the long term the new technology can find application in computer memory like MRAM and FRAM which can carry out logical operations and store information. Thus these types of memory are non-volatile, so after turning on of the computer it isn't necessary to open again all windows which should be closed yesterday – all of them will remain even at the switched-off food and will be instantly available
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