Thursday, April 18, 2013

New lithium accumulators are charged one thousand times quicker

     Scientists from Illinoyssky university in Urban and Shampeyn (USA) led by William King (William King) presented lithium batteries with the three-dimensional microstructure providing with it high-speed charging and approximately in one thousand times faster return of energy, than at ordinary accumulators of this kind.

Структура новых батарей (Здесь и ниже иллюстрации Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology).

Structure of new batteries (Here and lower than the illustration Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology).

     Charge and return speed — the key complexity forcing hybrid cars to bear hundreds kilograms of accumulators. And it is necessary to take them more necessary minimum because immediately to receive all energy reserved in batteries it is impossible and to achieve decent power on electric motors, it is necessary to have the capacity several times surpassing the theoretically necessary. This lack of chemical accumulators forces some car makers to address to the supercondensers which capacity 10 times less, but power return speed is much more.
    Unpleasantly the reverse of the medal — slow charging of lithium stores looks also. When the electric car or a hybrid brakes, regenerative systems feed part of energy to batteries, however in them it is impossible to load at once necessary number of watt-hours so the part of energy is lost that reduces range and energy efficiency of the electrified vehicles.
    What to speak about problems of long charging at tablets, phones and other consumer electronics! And here with new batteries to us promise phone charging from the power supply network for... second. Well, we will look as it will look in commercial realization.

Новые батареи в зависимости от заложенных параметров обозначены как A — H. Легко видеть, что по плотности энергии и удельной мощности они сочетают в себе лучшие черты аккумуляторов и суперконденсаторов.

New batteries depending on the put parameters are designated as A — H. It is easy to see that on density of energy and specific power they combine the best lines of accumulators and supercondensers.

     So phenomenal successes of new batteries are caused by such structure of the anode and the cathode which instead of two usual flat surfaces assumes the modular cathodic and anode elements of the microscopic sizes which are considerably increasing the area of a working surface and speed of movement between them loaded particles. And it with the same weight and external dimensions of the accumulator. However, this, in fact, nanostructure has also serious weakness: for it while there is no technology fulfilled in mass production though authors assure that the technical process created by them will be inexpensive — on condition of a mass production, certainly.
   The report on research is published in the Nature Communications magazine.

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