Standard cell of ReRAM which is at the same time the microaccumulator (here and lower illustration I.Valov et al. ) .
Therefore many developers turn looks towards ReRAM (resistive memory with direct access), based on ions — usually one-nuclear particles which received or have lost any quantity of electrons. In such system electrons are already caught by ions, and in a thick insulator there is no need. At the same time without a layer of the insulator consisting of a set of atoms, the sizes of system are defined generally by parameters of an ion which is dimensionally close to single atom.
For control of such ion in prototypes of memory two electrodes (we will tell, from silver and platinum) are used. Thus, the scheme starts bearing a faint resemblance to banal lithium - the ion accumulator in which for deduction of electrons ions too are used.
Scientists under the leadership of Ilya Valov from Akhen's (Germany) Rhine and Westphalian technical university became interested in this similarity. For confirmation of ability of elements of new memory to play a role of microaccumulators researchers analysed the most modern ReRAM-samples of various producers. "Looking back back, it is possible to tell that presence of tension peculiar to accumulators, at ReRAM is axiomatic. But during nine-months consideration of work [before its publication in the magazine] we had to make huge efforts on an overpersuasion of colleagues". And it is clear, Mr. Valov adds, after all the voltage of ReRAM-cells can have three different basic mechanisms of emergence, and accurate fixing of comparative importance of each of them wasn't simple business.
Opening means that the theoretical base used for the analysis of ReRAM, became outdated. It understood as set of memristor — the passive elements, capable to change the resistance depending on a charge proceeding through them. But, as showed research, in fact, the ReRAM elements are active and have own charge so mathematical ways for the description of work of these components are wrong.
Three scenarios of emergence of tension in a ReRAM-element. Pay attention, in case of formation of a nanothread of accumulation of a charge won't be — because of short circuit.
However, practice specified long ago that with our understanding of it like memory something not so. Inexplicable there was a long-term drift of parameters of separate cells of ReRAM. Really, now, when we understood that they can accumulate a charge, it becomes obvious that during the long work without this factor of property of ions in ReRAM are simply obliged to undergo changes.
Therefore it is possible not only to overcome this problem, but also to create absolutely new types of electronics in which the power supply and non-volatile memory will be integrated into one chip.