Space telescope "Kepler" found two new planetary systems as a part of which in a zone of a habitability there are at once three "super lands"". And two of them on parameters are very close to actually Earth.
In Kepler-62 system in constellation of the Lira remote from us for 1 200 light years, five planets are found: Kepler-62b, 62c, 62d, 62e and 62f. The three first — bodies of terrestrial group, but being too close to a star and rather similar to hot Mercury and Venus. Two last — Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f — rotate round the sun (the orange dwarf like K2V that is five times more dim and is one and a half times less than our star) in 122 and 247 days respectively. Kepler-62e for 61% of the continent in the diameter also rotates at internal edge of a manned zone round Kepler-62 star; Kepler-62f is only 41% larger than our house, and rotates closer to the center of a manned zone.
As we see, only Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f surely are in a habitability zone while Kepler-69c can quite be too hot for life of terrestrial type. (Here and lower than the illustration NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech. )
If to compare quantity received by them on unit of a surface of radiation to terrestrial norm, for Kepler-62e the stream of radiation is equal 1,2 ± 0,2, and for 62f — 0,41 ± 0,05. Differently, before us to some extent wishful thinking sample: not all researchers are sure that the planet receiving 20% more than energy from a star, than Earth from the Sun, in general can be manned. However, there are also opposite points of view according to which even Venus in the presence of a magnetic field could support life of a terrestrial look.
The planetary system in which they are, is much more senior than ours: by estimates, it about 7 billion years that on 2,5 billion years are more, than age Solar. All theoretical models for planets of such sizes in systems of similar age specify that it not neptunopodobny bodies, and firm planets of terrestrial group.
Kepler-69 star (the spectral class G4V), being in Swan constellation in 2 700 light years from us, looks much more solntsepodobny: its diameter — 93%, and luminosity — 80% from solar.
The planet of Kepler-69b next to it has radius in 2,24 ± 0,4 terrestrial; in any case it is too hot to be manned. Well and Kepler-69c with a radius of 1,7 ± 0,3 terrestrial rotates on the removal, allowing to believe its habitability entering into a zone. However, the number of the radiation received by it is a little great: 1,91+0,43–0,56 . However because of uncertainty of a number of parameters exact value of such stream not absolutely clearly so the probability of life there remains:
(By the way, in video of NASA there is a mistake: the distance to Kepler-62 is equal not to "about 360 light years", and similar quantity a parsec, that is to 1 200 light years. )
Alas, with a mass of above-mentioned planets of clarity it is less: they are too small that their gravitation had considerable impact on parental stars so while neither we can't find out the weight, nor density.
Nevertheless the group of scientists under the leadership of Lisa Kaltenegger (Lisa Kaltenegger) from Institute of astronomy of Society of a name of Max Planck (Germany) has some assumptions of specifics of structure and a surface of two of three worlds — Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f. "These planets aren't similar on anything in our system. They are covered with boundless oceans — the Mrs. Kaltenegger is sure. — There can be a life, but whether it can have the technological base similar to ours? Life in these worlds has to be underwater, with lack of easy access to metals, electricity or fire necessary for development of metallurgy. Nevertheless it is the fine blue planets rotating round an orange star, and, probably, the life ingenuity in achievement of a technological stage of development still will surprise us".
What forces the German scientists to assume, what in Kepler-62 system two Solarises are open? Astronomers carried out modeling of parameters of both planets on the basis of the assumption of the chemical composition similar to the terrestrial. At available data on number of the radiation received by these planets at all possible values of gravitation left that the sheet of water for such bodies on thickness has to be very considerable, to 80–150 km. However, it doesn't mean that at 62f there is no firm surface: this world is received by less heat, than Earth, and therefore can quite have the considerable sizes constant ice caps that is compatible to a picture of the life developing not only in the sea, but also on a firm surface.